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Governing Body

Become a school governor

Support, Inspire and make a difference!

Becoming a governor at Kelsale Primary means working with the Senior Leadership Team to preserve the culture and values of the school.

Governors make decisions on the strategic direction of the school, set strategic goals and targets and assess the progress being made towards those targets.

You do not need a background or knowledge in education, just time and the desire to contribute positively.

Through monitoring and supportive challenge, being a governor can make a valuable difference to our children, their families and our community with the potential to change lives.

“It’s a challenge, but I’ve learnt so much about the school and developed so many new skills I didn’t even know I had. The best part is it’s extremely rewarding!”

For more information please feel free to speak to someone in the School Office or contact the School Office on: 01728 602297 or admin@kelsaleprimary.org.uk

What is a governing body?

Our governing body is responsible for overseeing the school and all of its activities.

We are here to listen to and report to all of the school’s stakeholders:

  • Pupils
  • Parents
  • Staff
  • Community
  • LA

A Word from Our Chair

The Governors of Kelsale Church of England Primary School feel privileged to support Ms Leek and her team in delivering a varied and stimulating education for all of our children.  We are very proud of Kelsale Primary, our pupils and staff.

Our aim is to enable all pupils to have access to a safe, nurturing environment where they can fulfill their potential via a broad and balanced curriculum.

The Governors welcome any comments or discussion from all parents.  Please see the Governors’ notice board in school for details of ways to talk to us, or alternatively see Ms Leek.

We challenge the school’s leadership team in a supportive manner to deliver the aims and vision of the school.

The governing body is there to offer strategic leadership and accountability.

For further information please see the Governors’ noticeboard in school. Or alternatively contact the school office.

Matthew Sullivan, Chair of Governors

email: msullivan@kelsaleprimary.org.uk

Become a governor

Governors play a really important role in shaping the future direction of the school, and we are currently looking to add two parent governors to our governance team.  Being a parent governor is a voluntary role that will provide you with new skills and a strong sense of achievement and belonging because you will really make a positive impact on future school development.  For more information on becoming a parent governor, please click the link below to see a short presentation:  

Kelsale Parent Governor Recruitment 2024.pptx 

If you would like to be a parent governor, please feel free to contact me at msullivan@kelsaleprimary.org.uk 

Thanks for your ongoing support of the school! 

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