Reception and Key Stage 1 daily timetable
7.45am Breakfast club
8.30am School gates open
8.40am Bell rings and children line up in classes ready to walk in
10.15- 10.30am playtime
11.55-1.15pm Reception lunchtime
12.00-1.15pm Year 1 lunchtime
12.05- 1.15pm Year 2 lunchtime
2.15pm Reception and Year 1 playtime
3.15pm End of school day
3.15 - 4.15pm Activity clubs
3.15 - 5.30pm After school clubs
Key Stage 2 daily timetable
7.45am Breakfast club
8.30am School gates open
8.40am Bell rings and children line up in classes ready to walk in
10.35- 10.50am Break time
12.15-1.15pm Lunchtime
3.15pm End of school day
3.15 - 4.15pm Activity clubs
3.15 - 5.30pm After school clubs