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Parenting information and resources

Many say that being a parent is the hardest job in the world but also the most rewarding.    

Please find some useful resources and information below. 

NSPCC guide to positive parenting

NSPCC guide, Is my child ready to go out alone?

Well Minds East Suffolk

Early help for parents

If you would like some additional support the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership website offers lots of useful information and links

The Parent Hub

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

You can also speak to your child's class teacher, our SENCO Miss Coppens-Browne, Miss McMeekin, Mrs Lee or Mrs Morling who will all be able to offer help and support. 

Free resources supporting parents

Reading with your child/children 

As a school, this year, we are focussing on developing our teaching of reading and inspiring our children to develop a love of reading by supporting them to become fluent readers and offering an enticing, exciting and wide range of books and articles. We have also invested in new phonics resources to support our teaching of early reading and in the Accelerated Reading Programme for our KS2 readers as well as training for our staff. 

Research shows that reading is the foundation for all good learners enabling them to access all areas of the curriculum as they move through their school journey.  

Therefore, it is not surprising that research also shows that, as a parent, reading to or with your child/ren is the single most important thing you can do to help your child’s education. 

I recently came across this useful little guide for parents which has 10 creative, easy, practical ways to help your child/ren.   


Common childhood illness recommended treatment/precautions

For further information on common childhood illnesses and recommended treatment/precautions please click here for further information 

Respiratory infections (including COVID-19) 

Recommended period to be kept away from school, nursery or childminders 


  • continuous cough 

  • high temperature, fever or chills 

  • loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell 

  • shortness of breath 

  • unexplained tiredness, lack of energy 

  • muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise 

  • not wanting to eat or not feeling hungry 

  • headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual 

  • sore throat, stuffy or runny nose 

  • diarrhoea, feeling sick or being sick 

If your child/ren have symptoms of a respiratory infection (such as COVID-19) and have a high temperature and/or do not feel well enough to go to school or carry out normal activities, stay at home and avoid contact with other people, until they no longer have a high temperature and feel well enough to return to school. 


If your child/ren are feeling unwell with these symptoms, they should get plenty of rest and drink water to keep hydrated. They can use medications such as paracetamol to help with their symptoms. Antibiotics are not recommended for viral respiratory infections because they will not relieve their symptoms or speed up their recovery. 


You do not have to take a COVID-19 test. 




As we learn to live with COVID, testing is no longer compulsory, and tests are not universally available.   Everyone is encouraged to follow the recommendations for a respiratory infection (see above) to keep themselves and others safe. 

Positive COVID-19 test result 

Children are advised to stay away from school for 3 days. 

Adults are advised to stay away from school for 5 days. 


SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service 

Suffolk SENDIASS is a confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). It is free, easy to access and confidential. We can help children, parents and young people take part in decisions that affect their lives. 

We offer information, advice and support to: 

  • Children and young people (up to 25 years) with SEND 
  • Parents and carers of children with SEND 

  • Practitioners (who might support children, young people or parents to access our service) 

The SENDIASS website is a well-used resource, packed with information and advice for families. In August we moved our website to a new platform.   

Online sessions for parents and carers


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