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PE at Kelsale

PE Rationale, Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements.

PE Curriculum Long Term Plan: This outlines the sports that the children will be learning about across the different year groups in each term.

Kelsale's PE Progression Map

Overview of PE at Kelsale - PE on a Page

The Daily Mile

 Miss Holgate has previously collated some data to measure the impact of running a mile every day on children's mental and physical health. After 6 weeks of running everyday, the results obtained were fantastic; both mental and physical health improved with significant, positive changes in data. A summary of these statistics can be found by clicking on the adjacent poster.

With these brilliant statistics in mind, we would like to encourage all of our classes to join in with The Daily Mile so that they can also reap these positive rewards.

Sports Premium Grant


Sport is a very important part of our school curriculum and we actively encourage pupils to try a wide range of sports and to appreciate the importance of a healthy life-style. Pupils are taught to be competitive, to celebrate participation and good sportsmanship, and to accept losing graciously.  We have an excellent in house sports team who boast a wealth of sports experience and expertise which they share with our children in the wide range of sporting activities that we include our curriculum and through our extra curricular clubs and events.    

Annually, we recieve a grant for PE and Sports in school. Below are all of our previous reports on how we have spent this grant and how we propose to spend this in the next academic year.

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2017-18

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2018-19

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2019-20

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2020-2021

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2021-2022

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2022-2023

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2023-2024

Daily Mile Poster

Sports Fortnight 2023

For our Athletics Day and Sports Day, we ran several events where the children had their distances and times recorded. Please see this year's winners and the current record breakers (in bold) in the image to the right. (Click to enlarge)

Below are links to various blog posts comprised of beautiful photos from Sports Fortnight 2023:

Day 1 - Tennis

Day 2 - Fitness

Day 3 - Dance                               Day 3 - Running

Day 4 - Judo

Day 5 - Netball

Day 6 - Athletics

Day 7 - Inter House Netball        Day 7 - Gymnastics

Day 8 - Swimming Races

Day 9 - Archery

Day 10 - Sports Day

Record Holders 2023 (1)
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