Welcome back to Earth Class- Year 2
A message from Miss Sunshine
I hope you have all had a lovely break and are ready to be back for another term full of fun and learning.
This term, we will continue having daily spelling lessons and three reading groups a week to continue to increase our reading fluency. In English, we will be reading Paddington and The Proudest Blue. In maths, we will begin by looking at money before moving on to Multiplication and Division.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please come and see me.
I can't wait to see you all soon,
Miss Sunshine

Important information
Wednesday mornings:
Mrs Ellis will be teaching Earth Class each Wednesday morning.
PE will be every Monday afternoon with Mr Skeggs. Please ensure PE kits are in school.
Homework and spellings:
Homework and spellings will be set on a Wednesday and due in the following Wednesday.
Show and Tell:
Show and Tell will be on a Friday afternoon. Please save your special treasures until then.
Home reading books:
If you have given permission to Mrs Mansell, Little Wandle reading books will continue to be sent home each week. Please bring these in every day for reading groups.
Please note, any books not returned or damaged will incur a £3.50 fine.
Curriculum overview for Spring Term