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Welcome to Year 6 - Neptune

The Summer Term!

We have so much to look forward to:

Our holiday, school production, Sport's fortnight among many things.

Plus the opportunity to show everyone just how amazing we are. 

Be the best version of yourselkf and be proud.

Love Mrs Mansell xx



This year, spelling tests will take place on Fridays..  New spellings will be set on Fridays ready for the following Friday. You can use paper copies or Spelling shed/ Spelling Frame.

You are always welcome to practice your spellings every lunch time in the classroom for 10 minutes. 

Maths and Reading comprehension homework will be set every Friday for the following Friday.  Maths homework will be set either on paper or on Maths shed.

Reading comprehension will be set on Read Theory or Reading Eggs.

Year 6 Summer Term Curriculum Map

Screenshot 2024-04-08 145529
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