Welcome to Year 6 - Neptune
Welcome back
I hope you all had a good Christmas break and are ready to come back into school, fully focused.
We will continue to build both our knowledge banks and our learning behaviours as we move towards the next stage in our academic life.
We will continue to build resilience and independence and will hopefully feel priode and accomplishment in our work.
In the quest to seek and grow, Learning lights the path we know. Through each lesson, new and bright, We find our way, from dark to light.
With curiosity as our guide, Knowledge opens up wide. Learning never truly ends, It's a journey with no bounds.
Love Mrs Mansell xx

Year 6 Autumn Term Curriculum Map

Class Book
Our class book will be 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell

This year, spelling tests will take place on Mondays, New spellings will be set on Mondays ready for the following Monday. You can use paper copies of Spelling Frame.
You are always welcome to practice your spellings every lunch time in the classroom for 10 minutes.
Maths and Reading comprehension homework will be set every Friday for the following Friday. Maths homework will be set either on paper or on line, depending on the topic
Reading comprehension will be set on Read Theory or similar.