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Welcome to Year 6 - Neptune

Welsome to a brand new school year

Year 6 has quite the reputation as a tough year, but the idea is that , as you move through your last year in Primary school, you develop your love of learning, learn more about yourself as a learner and prepare yourself, with our help, for high school to enable you to be as successful as possible. 

I hope you are on board for this journey and excited to get started.  We certainly are.

Love Mrs Mansell xx

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Year 6 Autumn Term Curriculum Map

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Class Book

Our class book will be 'Impossible Creatures' by Katherine Rundell



This year, spelling tests will take place on Mondays,  New spellings will be set on Mondays ready for the following Monday. You can use paper copies of Spelling Frame.

You are always welcome to practice your spellings every lunch time in the classroom for 10 minutes. 

Maths and Reading comprehension homework will be set every Friday for the following Friday.  Maths homework will be set either on paper or on line, depending on the topic

Reading comprehension will be set on Read Theory or similar. 

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